“Orange Peel Theory” Is TikTok’s Latest Misandry Trend

The newest TikTok trend has the social media app telling thousands of women to break up with their partners…. all over fruit. “Orange peel theory” holds that if your boyfriend or husband really loves you, he’ll peel an orange for you. If he refuses or, worse, tells you to do it yourself, that’s a red flag. Now dozens of videos have gone viral of women testing their significant others with the theory either to be disappointed or impressed.

Professional therapists have spoken up to explain why the trend is dysfunctional relationship behavior. Your partner should not read your mind to know what you want in a relationship. You should have good communication skills and ask. Moreover, “testing” a relationship is a red flag in and of itself.

@shelbyywilfong failed attempt. #fyp ♬ original sound – shelby

International Men’s Day Classic T


International Men’s Day should be celebrated on November 19, but it’s mostly ignored. The UN even prefers to recognize International Toilet Day instead. But boys and men deserve to have their gender celebrated and their issues addressed.

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Women “Testing” Men Is Systemic Misandry

Of course, what the experts haven’t addressed, nor any of the TikTok videos criticizing the trend, is that it’s blatant misandry. There’s nothing gender-specific about the trend, yet I’ve yet to see a single post for “orange peel theory” or any of these other test-your-partner trends where men join in. It’s always women testing their male partners, their boyfriends and husbands. Clearly there is a phenomenon of this dynamic in relationships, an inbalance that goes against men.

The inbalance is one of power. The women in these videos clearly have leverage over their partners, both personal and systemic, or else they wouldn’t feel comfortable testing them. No men are on TikTok testing their wives and girlfriends because they know they would be construed as the villains and that failure of the test would not represent grounds for separation in the unspoken economics of the sexual market place.

What I mean is, to society at large, it makes perfect sense for a woman to dump her male partner over something as trivial as his refusal to peel an orange for her, something she could easily do herself. But men can have no such expectations for a woman in a relationship. Men cannot expect women to do things for them. They must be the providers, they must make the sacrifices because they have lower value in the relationship.

@saraeatonontiktok THIS ONE IS A NEW LOW #fyp #datingtips #datinghacks #orangepeeltheory ♬ original sound – sara eaton ☁️ 👱🏻‍♀️

The Economics of the Sexual Marketplace

Sexual relationships function on a market just like everything else. People voluntarily enter into them and make decisions based on their marginal valuations of what they get out of these relationships: love, sex, companionship, etc.

On this marketplace, it’s obvious and well-accepted that women have a higher valuation. In other words, men have to put more into a relationship than women do. This is due to a perfect biological and sociological storm:

  • A woman’s reproductive contributions (both eggs and gestation) are far scarcer than a man’s (hundreds of millions of sperm per day)
  • Women are more selective in their mates (likely due to the previous point)
  • Men generally have higher sex drives and marginally prioritize sexual relationships

Plus, despite these factors that already put women at an advantage in sexual trade, society has long aimed to further increase their value and what they can demand from men. For example, this is the root of the stigma against sex workers, a paradox for feminists and “patriarchy” theory. Similarly, it’s why bachelors were historically criticized and often even taxed, and gay men were persecuted far more than lesbians.

The social reasons for this are that women need subsidizing from men. Due to lower upper body strength, menstruation and childbirth, they are less productive, and need men to provide for them. Whether it’s burning gays sat the stake or feminists demanding “period leave” for working women, the idea is the same: men should be giving more than they get back when it comes to labor.

Orange peel theory merely proves hat this is the state of the sexual market place.

Wait, What About Weaponized Incompetence?

What’s ironic is that orange peel theory follows up on another ridiculous feminist trend: the ketchup test. In these videos, women poured ketchup all over their kitchen counters, proving above all that feminists and spoiled toddlers share a worldview. Supposedly, the idea was to see if your male partner would use “weaponized incompetence” by cleaning up the ketchup badly, thereby making the woman do it… the woman who squirted it all over the counter in the first place.

@brickeller did he pass the ketchup test??😂🤪i would say yes!! #couplecomedy #ketchupchallenge #ketchupprank #marriagehumor #marriedlifehumor #coupleschallenge ♬ Sneaky Snitch – Kevin MacLeod

“Weaponized incompetence” and other gender-studies nonsense like “mental load” are the newest feminist emperor’s new clothes. Here we have the bizarre feminist claim that women actually do more in relationships than men, flying in the face of what everyone knows to be true since childhood: men are supposed to be providers and do the hard work.

It’s yet another example of feminists actually insulting women and showing they think very lowly of them. After all, all these women are entering into these relationships willingly. So the only way there could be a society-wide phenomenon of women, who have more sexual value, voluntarily forming relationships where they have to put more in than they get out, is if they’re all gullible idiots.

Feminists have no respect for women or femininity.

Indeed, orange peel theory paints a clearer picture. It’s women who demand more labor from men, which they exchange for their sexual scarcity. After all, what is more “weaponized incompetence” than demanding your partner do something as simple for you as peel an orange?

International Men’s Day Classic T


International Men’s Day should be celebrated on November 19, but it’s mostly ignored. The UN even prefers to recognize International Toilet Day instead. But boys and men deserve to have their gender celebrated and their issues addressed.

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Please consider purchasing a shirt or other item. Not only does it express pride in and solidarity with men and masculinity, but it supports me so I can continue writing about men’s issues.

Alternatively, fill out this survey to help us get more men’s rights messages onto the public eye.

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