One Parent Flies Business While The Other Sits In Economy With The Kids: The Same News Story Twice, Yet One Is Praised And The Other Ridiculed—Can You Guess The Difference?

A recent headline in The New York Times caught my attention: “My Husband Flies First Class and Puts Me in Coach. Is That Fair?” It caught my attention specifically because I had covered a nearly identical story just a couple of weeks prior. Its headline: “Mom goes viral for leaving baby in economy while she enjoys business class, prompting online debate.”

Essentially the same story, I knew that the two had received wildly different reactions on social media. In the first, the husband was a narcissistic monster, and in the second, the woman was a hero. I felt prompted to expose this hypocrisy because it is perfect proof of misandry.

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My Husband Flies First Class and Puts Me in Coach. Is That Fair?

I did not find a single person in the comment section of this story supporting this husband. Both men and women wanted to crucify him. Seriously, there were death threats.

Most people suggested she should divorce him.

But most disturbingly of all, plenty of people seemed to think the man should have upgraded his wife to first class while he flew coach. Apparently that inequality would be fine.

Mom goes viral for leaving baby in economy while she enjoys business class, prompting online debate

In this story, which covered a viral TikTok video, a woman did the exact same thing, except arguably more controversial because in the first story, the children were teenagers whlie this woman had an infant. Nevertheless, everyone in the comments applauded her actions.

As with the other post, many seemed to believe it was the man’s obligation to have the mom sit first class.

But what was most ironic was that many commenters suggested that the mom shouldn’t receive any criticism because if it were a dad doing it, no one would care. As we can see, the exact opposite is true.

This Is Misandry

There’s no other word for it. These two parents did the same thing, the only difference was their gender. So why did the man receive death threats and the woman praise unless it’s a manifestation of people’s hate for men? Oh yeah, and want to hear something even worse? Last year, a mom made the news for doing this as well, and she went so far as to say it was “for feminism.”

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Boys and men deserve to be empowered to make decisions for their own fulfilment.  Read More »

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