In a recent interview in Variety, Billie Eilish, the 21-year-old pop star with a net worth of $30 million, doubled down on her increasingly feminist stance by ironically claiming that “Being a woman is just such a war, forever.” (Someone might want to let Billie know that humans have been at war for over 90 percent of recorded history, and it’s almost entirely been men’s obligation.)
Her apparent reasoning for this claim was that women are judged too harshly for their appearance, saying: “Nobody ever says a thing about men’s bodies. If you’re muscular, cool. If you’re not, cool. If you’re rail thin, cool. If you have a dad bod, cool. If you’re pudgy, love it! Everybody’s happy with it. You know why? Because girls are nice. They don’t give a fuck because we see people for who they are!”
Now, I know Billie grew up with wealthy, connected parents, but I still find it hard to believe she’s that out of touch with reality. More likely she’s just lying to promote an image and corrupt narrative that benefits that image and further increases her wealth and status. Let’s go ahead and show just how much of a liar she really is.
International Men’s Day Classic T
International Men’s Day should be celebrated on November 19, but it’s mostly ignored. The UN even prefers to recognize International Toilet Day instead. But boys and men deserve to have their gender celebrated and their issues addressed.
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Men Face Just As Much Judgment As Women—The Data Proves It
Any man could tell Billie Eilish that men face criticism and judgment for their appearance just as much as women, and the only way she hasn’t noticed it is her incredible narcissism. Shaming men for short height is a cultural meme from TikTok to broadcast television. Supposedly progressive feminists pull out penis size as the measure of a man’s worth on a regular basis. Bald jokes date back millennia. We have a whole expression for “six-pack abs.”
Indeed, the data show that men and women suffer body dysmorphic disorder, defined as “a distressing or impairing preoccupation with imagined or slight defects in appearance,” at roughly equal rates, 2.2 and 2.5 percent respectively. Similarly, research from Bradley University found that over 90 percent of men are dissatisfied with their appearance. How could this be if men are just totally accepted regardless of what they look like as Billie claims?
I’d Argue Men Face More Judgment
Reality check, Billie. People “say things” about women’s appearance? What, exactly? As far as I can tell, women only have two gender-specific concerns when it comes to appearance: weight and age. And when it comes to weight, this is something a woman can easily control and should be keeping at a healthy level for her own beneift anyway, regardless of superficial criticisms.
Similarly, there are social movements and mores that discourage criticizing women for their appearance while men are considered fair game. Remember when Chris Rock made a bald joke about Jada Pinkett Smith and got slapped for it? 99.9999 percent of bald jokes are about men. Do any of those comedians get slapped?
The fact is, men have to shut up and take it when they’re judged for their appearance, usually for things they can’t control anyway:
- Muscle dysmorphia, or being too thin
- Hairloss
- Short height
Of course, feminist narratives often ignore these things. They point out that women suffer anorexia at rates three times that of men, but of course. Research shows men usually worry about being too small, not too big. As a result, men abuse anabolic steroids at a rate over three times that of women. Similarly, many more men take hormonally disruptive drugs to prevent hairloss.
But we still haven’t gotten to the greatest horror of all: leg-lengthening surgery that men use to increase their height. In this horrific procedure, the surgeon purposely breaks the patients’ legs and then fits them with a device that slowly stretches the broken bone a millimeter each day. Complications abound, including trouble walking and running afterwards, with many patients still requring walkers or canes months later.
Nevertheless, a rapidly increasing number of men are dropping the roughly $75,000 just to gain a few inches. Why? Here’s what the patients and surgeons say:
[I] was sick of insults and jeering comments about [my] height.
“Leg-lengthening surgery is gaining popularity among men seeking to be taller, doctors say.” NBC News.
I even have 60-, 65-year-old guys that have come to me to undergo the procedure because it just doesn’t stop. The ‘short’ jokes keep going on and they feel inferior.
Dr. Shahab Mahboubain, Height Lengthening Insitutue
For some people with shorter stature that feel overwhelmed by stigma, the surgery can feel like a blessing.
Matija Krkovic, Cambridge University Hospital
What’s slightly sad is it’s almost as if they’re having an operation because of the rest of society.
Hamish Simpson, University of Edinburgh
Nobody ever says a thing about men’s bodies? Sure about that, Billie?
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Please consider purchasing a shirt or other item. Not only does it express pride in and solidarity with men and masculinity, but it supports me so I can continue writing about men’s issues.